My Favorite Books So Far This Year

I was sitting with a friend I don't see very often, and after dinner she asked me what I was reading. We both launched into a big discussion of our favorite books that we've read so far this year. It got me thinking that people are looking for a good book anytime of the year, and I wanted to take the time to put together a little recap of my favorites just in case you are looking for a little something to get cozy with as the weather starts to turn. Here are the highlights of the best books I've read so far this year.

books I've read so far this year and would recommend

My Favorite Books So Far This Year

favorite books so far this year

I'm not going to lie, I've read some duds this year. I have been slightly discouraged by some of the reads, but then I look back at my list, and there are some exceptional ones that have popped out as well. 

I hate to give spoilers, which is why I link the book for you to read more about it. I get most of my books from the library, so please utilize your free resources. 

Don't miss this: Surprising Library Benefits That Will Save You Money

1. The Many Lives of Mama Love

This is one of my most recent reads and I really loved it. I was drawn in quickly and really felt like although this was a memoir about the author's life of drug addiction and deceit, she did a great job of showing how her life played out through her choices, good and bad. You could practically walk with her on her transformation from shame to freedom. 

I have a complicated history with books based on drug addiction since it something that I personally have experience with in my family, so I'm often triggered by stories {don't get me started on Matthew Perry's book...} that glorify drug use and the users lack of accountability. I didn't find that in this book. Instead, it was an obvious story of transformation that ended with me rooting for her and her family.

2. Between Two Kingdoms

This was such an insightful book about a young woman going from illness to recovery. I think we've all known someone who is walking through a diagnosis, and the way the author articulated her struggles was so eye opening. It gave me the ability to connect with people in my life who had experienced a cancer diagnosis in a new way with new understanding. 

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3. Betty

I don't know if it's because I was born and raised in the Midwest, but tales of rural Appalachia always strike a chord with me. This story spans the whole life of a girl born into a big family and shows a new side of poverty and violence. There are parts of the book that you will hate and parts you will love and everything in between. It was life so beautifully written. 

If you liked anything Jeannette Walls has written {Glass Castle or Half Broken Horses}, you'll love this one. 

4. The River We Remember

A wealthy landowner is found dead and the small country sheriff is on the hunt for who did it. The town quickly thinks it's solved the case, but the details start to trickle out and it turns out they arrested the wrong guy, but he's willing to take the fall. 

I read a lot of books like this, and often feel like I can figure out the ending pretty early on. This one took me on a journey and kind of surprised me at the end.

5. Ma and Me: A Memoir

What's that you say, another memoir? Yes, yes it is. I think there was a theme this year. I will also admit that this one was in my que a few times and I kept putting it back on the shelf for another 21 days. I am sad that I waited so long to read it. 

It is a story of a Cambodian family who flees during the genocide to the Portland, OR area. The author shares her story of growing up not really feeling like she belongs and not sure why. I love the Pacific Northwest ties to the book and found it to be incredibly interesting to read the descriptions of the relationships the author developed, especially that of the relationship between her mother and her.

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6. The Violin Conspiracy 

This book is a story about the struggle of race in a small town, but also in the small music community. Ray plays violin and finds a gift from his grandfather to be a priceless instrument. The book lays out his struggles of growing up black and the racism he faces in the classical music community. Oh, and there's a mystery that plays out with a missing violin too! 

I'm not normally a romance book gal, but I tackled a few of them this year. Probably because I always intersperse that with some very heavy reads. So here are a few I loved and would recommend for a mindless escape.


7. The Paradise Problem

A college student gets married to get a deal on a subsidized campus apartment...or so she thought. Turns out there was an antiquated clause in her husbands grandfather's will that will only pay out after five years of marriage. A family destination wedding brings all of this to the surface and creates some fun drama. It was such a funny book that even though you pretty much know what is going to happen, it makes for a good read.

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8. Funny Story

This book was just funny and entertaining. It's a story of a girl who got dumped by her fiancé just before her wedding and the only place for her to live was at the ex boyfriend of the girl her fiancé dumped her for. The two characters work to get over their break ups and find solace in each other, and I'm guessing you can guess how it ends! Despite its predictable ending, it's a fun and easy read.

I always save my favorite books to an Amazon shop so you can easily see my favorites. Don't worry, I leave off anything I would rate 3 stars or lower. I read a little bit of everything and this list is up to nearly 200 books, so you are likely to find something you are going to want to read next!

These books are just highlights on my reading journey so far this year. I'm hoping I'll have a few more that make that list. I hope that you'll be inspired to pick up one of these books and enjoy a little escape for just a little bit. Happy reading!

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