How to Host a Party on a Budget

Best Items to Splurge On If You are Generally Frugal

Creating a Skincare Routine You Will Stick With!
Building a skincare routine feels like it
should be a simple task, but when you actually start looking at products, you
can feel daunted by choices.
Do I put on moisturizer or serum first?
When do I exfoliate?
Every person has started their skincare
journey exactly where you are! While you may already know some basics, such as
cleanser before moisturizer, adding anything new can be hard, and learning new
products can be challenging. I have always been overwhelmed with finding a skincare routine and it wasn't until I was in my 40s when someone told me what I should be doing that I found any success in creating a routine. My goal is to age gracefully. I'm not afraid of wrinkles and lines, but I don't want to speed up that process either. With the right skincare routine, you can do just that! And I'm going to help show you what worked for me.

Stocking Stuffers for Older Teens and Young Adults