Reading is not only a
great and inexpensive hobby, but it’s also a great way to relax and unwind at
the end of a long day. Whether you prefer to dive into mystery, romance, or
just reread the classics, it can be hard not to get lost in a good book. However,
it can start to feel like there is never enough time to get lost in reading
these days when it comes to time. Here are a few ways to help you find more
time to read, no matter how busy you are.
7 Ways to Find More Time to Read
Looking for a good book? Start here!
Don’t leave the house without something to read
Finding the time to sit
down for twenty minutes or even an hour to read can be pretty hard. However, if
you keep a book or even a magazine with you when you go out, you’ll find you
have more time to read. You never know when you’ll have a few extra minutes
with nothing better to do.
Get rid of distractions
For some people, myself
included, I find that my phone or other devices can be just too tempting when
I’m trying to focus on reading. If you want to get some more reading done, try
removing any distractions from the room or turn them off so they won’t tempt
Remember this post? 10 Things to Do on Your Phone That Isn't Scrolling
Read more than one book at a time
While this strategy won’t help everyone, you may be shocked to find that you’re one of those people who enjoy reading more than one book at a time. Some books are better for light reading before bed, while some can motivate you to start your day. I'm almost always reading a physical book and listening to an audiobook. Have a few handy, so you can read a book that best suits your mood.
Surprising Library Benefits That Will Save You Money
Set goals for yourself
Set a page limit or a
goal for how many books you’ll read in a month. When you set these smaller
goals for yourself, you’ll have something to work toward and help solidify that
goal. You can even use a tracker to help you keep track of all the books you’ve
If you've never counted how many books you read in a month or a year, it might surprise you!
50+ Books I Would Recommend to my Girlfriends!
Swap shows for books
You are probably
thinking about sitting at home and watching your favorite TV show at the end of
a long day. Instead of sitting down to binge-watch shows, why not books?
Instead of watching many episodes of a show you like, just read a book or two
Find your why
If you’re still finding
it difficult time to read, ask yourself why you want to read more in the first
place? Are you reading because of obligation or because it’s something you want
to do? If you’re forcing yourself to get through a book, you don’t like or just
because you feel like you should, you probably won’t. It's totally ok to read for fun and sometimes that means picking up a trashy or mindless book. I often call these beach reads.
I actually broke down my favorite reads last year into categories and beach reads are one of them!
Looking for more summer beach reads? Start here!
Try another format
If you’re having
difficulty sitting down and picking up a book, try listening to an audiobook or
the other way around. Sometimes you don’t have time to sit down and read a
physical book, but you can listen to a book on your morning commute or while
you’re cleaning.
Here are 10+ books I always recommend to friends
It can be a challenge to
make time for reading, but with these helpful tips, hopefully, you’ll finish
more books this year and even read a bit more.
Looking for books for the kids?
My picks for the 12 best book for boys
20 of the Best Books that Will Encourage Your Elementary Kids to be Readers

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