Keto Pumpkin Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

A Grocery Stockpiling Guide: How and When to Save

6 Ways to Get Teens off Screen Time

Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training

10 Best Beach Locations to Travel to if You Live on the West Coast

Does a Bulk Store Really Save you Money?

My Go-To Tips for Supporting Small Business Without Going Broke
During this pandemic,
it’s not the big box stores that have seen the biggest hits in their sales;
it’s the small business owners. If you know a small business owner or know of a
small business that you’d like to support, these tips are so helpful! There are
cheap and even free ways you can support small businesses without going broke! And our small business favorites need all the help they can get right now as life is starting to go back to normal.

Teaching Teens the Value of Money
At some point, it
became taboo for people to talk about their finances, even with their own
children. This has resulted in teens and young adults who don’t know the value
of money and really have no idea how to manage their finances. But, there are a
few things you can do to help them understand the value of money. Read on to find out more!

Making the Most of Grocery Store Trips
Things could change at a
moment’s notice, and every trip to the grocery store counts right now. While
you still want to be mindful of your budget during these shopping trips, you
never know when you might find yourself wishing you had bought another toilet
paper package. Fewer trips to the grocery store also mean less of an opportunity to impulse buy. To help you make the most of your grocery trips, here are my
best tips to make those trips to the grocery store count!