There is never a bad
time to start saving money! These days, we are spending a lot more time at
home, and I’m looking for ways to help us reduce expenses and help save money
while we’re at home. If you’re looking for ways to cut back now that you’re
spending more time at home, here are some great money-saving tips while you’re
at home more often.
Money Saving Tips While Being Home More Often
Want tips on how to start saving money? Start here!
Switch to Cloth Napkins
Disposable napkins can be great on the go or in a pinch, but purchasing cloth napkins once will get rid of this expense all together! Cloth napkins don’t have to look elegant; you can find a set of them for pretty cheap. Cloth napkins are great at picking up quick spills, and are more durable than disposable napkins!
Pro tip: buy a dark color to hide stains or pick white and add them to your bleach load
Embrace Free Entertainment
You may not be able to go out to some of your favorite places, but you can take advantage of free entertainment that you have right at home! Watch a movie on Netflix or from your home library instead of from Redbox or the movie theatre. Pick up a new hobby, or take advantage of free books online! Staying at home doesn’t have to mean you’re bored, and you don’t have to spend money to stay entertained!
Check out these surprising benefits from the library that will save you money!
Get Your Pantry Organized
This one is both for your own sanity and for your savings! If you don’t know what food you already have on hand, you will overspend! You’ll end up buying food you already have, and then that food will go to waste! Getting your pantry organized can help you shop from your home stockpile, and help you identify what you need from the store!
Try a pantry challenge! We did it for one month {as part of our no spend challenge} and saved thousands of dollars!
Find tips on how to save money with a pantry challenge
Cancel Unnecessary Memberships
While you are unable to use a lot of memberships, why not use this time as a trial period away from them? Cancel your memberships and see how many months of savings you can have! You might be shocked to see it all add up! While everything is still on lockdown, now is a great time to pocket that extra bit of savings, and then come back to it when everything is back to normal.
10 MORE things to cut from your budget and save money!
Cook at Home as Much as You Can
Out of all of my money-saving tips, this one is sure to lead to the most savings! Cooking at home will almost always be cheaper than eating out! Use your time at home to get back in the kitchen and start cooking again! Even if all you can manage is a bowl of cereal or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, that is still money saved! Challenge your family to eat what you have at home and get a little creative with your meals! See how long you can go without going to the store even!
Did you know I have a whole drop-down menu full of recipes your whole family will love? Check them out!
While many of these tips
were for a pandemic situation in mind, you can use these tips for any time of
year! These are great ways to save money, whether you are a homebody, or
someone spending a little extra time at home.
Check this out! How to live cheap without feeling cheap!

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