Everything you Need to Know about Packing a COVID Quarantine Bag for your College Student
It feels like yesterday that I was packing and repacking my hospital bag for the birth of my daughter, but right now in our house, all we are doing is thinking about packing her bags for her college dorm room. Sending our child off to a college campus during the time of a global pandemic isn't an easy decision, but it's one we are cautiously moving ahead with in the next few weeks. One of the campuses bullet points for reintegration for their residential students is that there will be designated rooms set aside for self-quarantine and isolation. In these uncertain times, it's not a bad idea to have a plan because if your child, living on a college campus, hundreds {or thousdands} of miles away from home has to quickly leave their dorm room for a quarantine location, having a bag that can be easily grabbed by a roommate or friend sitting on the bottom of their closet will be far easier than someone trying to figure out what to pack for them. Here are a few suggestions for some items your college resident can use to pack in a COVID quarantine bag just in case they test positive.

Everything you Need to Know About Packing a COVID Quarantine Bag for your College Student
Here is what I am suggesting that my daughter pack in her COVID quarantine bag:
The following items for COVID pain relief and monitoring
Tylenol {not ibuprofin}
Pusle Oximeter
Cough Drops
Vicks Vaporub
Pack these items for comfort
an extra cell phone charger
Two or more changes of loungewear {sweats, t-shirts, pajamas}
favorite snacks
entertainment items
**Remember, your college student could be put in self-isolation or quarantine if they are simply exposed to the virus**
Keep that in mind as you pack a bag of items that will help your student survive isolation for a week or two.
Pack the following items for cleaning and sanitizing
Bleach wipes to clean high touch surfaces in your "sick room"
disposable gloves
face masks {it's best to have disposable face masks so they can be changed often}
hand sanitizer
You may also need:
Any prescription medications {enough for at least a few days}
feminine hygiene
hair brush
hair elastics
Make sure the bag is packed and labeled so someone can easily find it and bring it to you.
A few more tips for college-age kids handling any illness away from home
Remember, before your college-age kid gets sick with anything, it's a good time to start going over how to take care of themself regardless of what they come down with.
They will need a copy of their insurance card {my kids find it easier to take a picture of our insurance card and keep it in an album on their phone labeled important}.
Help them understand how to find a care provider in their new area. This may be the campus health center, but they may also need some instruction on how to find an in-network insurance provider now that they are away from home.
Your student will also need to make sure they have a list of important phone numbers for people to call including friends and family members but also the names and phone numbers of their current medical providers.
They will also need to make sure they have a list of any allergies and medications they are taking as well and these should be easily accessible.
Some parents find it helpful for their children 18+ to have a medical power of attorney signed so they can make medical decisions for their students. Many find that having a HIPAA form filled out is enough to allow them to be included in the medical care conversations for their student. Regardless, it's important to have the conversation before its needed.
I am hopeful we won't need a COVID quarantine bag, but in the off chance that we do, I want to make sure my student has everything she would want in it. Take the time to pack the bag and have it ready, just in case. Sadly, this is just part of our current reality in these uncertain times.
Do you have anything else you would suggest to add?
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