How to Clean without Chemicals
Lemon Juice
Baking Soda
Olive Oil
Essential Oils
I use all of the five natural ingredients together with my HomeRight SteamMachine for the ultimate chemical-free powerhouse team.
Don't miss 10 things the professionals do every time they clean a home.
In the Kitchen
Use equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle to spray the counters {but not if you have granite, marble or stone, the vinegar is too acidic-you can use rubbing alcohol mixed with tea tree oil instead}, add a few drops of tea tree oil {or other essential oil} to the mix and spray the oven and stovetop and inside your sink.
In a measuring cup, add a few drop of fresh lemon and vinegar and place it in your microwave. Start the microwave and let it run for 2-3 minutes. Open the microwave and use the SteamMachine and a microfiber cloth to wipe off the inside.
Pour about a quarter of a cup of baking soda down your sink into the garbage disposal and add a few teaspoons of vinegar. Science experiment in your sink! Bonus, it cleans as it bubbles.
Use the steam on all surfaces in your kitchen including your appliances. Wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.
Clean your gas range and stove without chemicals!
Want to know how to clean your fridge fast?
Use a drop of olive oil on a microfiber cloth to shine stainless steel appliances and faucets.
Add vinegar to your dishwasher and run a rinse cycle to clean the inside of your machine.
Use half of a lemon to scrub cutting boards and give them a final cleaning with steam from the SteamMachine.
Squeegee attachments are great for cleaning any glass you might have.
Don't waste your time! Here are 8 popular cleaning hacks that just don't work!
In the bathroom
Remove mineral deposits on sinks by soaking vinegar on a paper towel and leaving the vinegar-soaked towel on the area for a few hours.Rub the fixtures with lemon juice.
Spray equal parts vinegar and water with a few drops of tea tree oil on countertops, inside the sink, and in and on the toilet.
Baking soda and vinegar can be mixed together in the toilet bowl and scrubbed.
Use the steam from the SteamMachine on all areas and wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.
A mixture of lemon juice and baking soda can create a paste that can clean grout. Scrub the paste with a toothbrush. Steam and wipe clean.
Shine fixtures with a drop of olive oil.
Put a few drops of tea tree oil in the scrubbed toilet bowl. Use the jet nozzle to get into the hard-to-reach areas around the toilet.
Don't forget to clean the washing machine! Tips on how to clean your front-loading washing machine.
Around the house

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