Stop Ignoring Twitter! How Bloggers and Small Businesses Can Grow a Relevant and Engaged Audience on Twitter
I don't talk a lot about the background of what I do as a blogger, but over the 14 years that I've been blogging, I've grown my blog from a place to share family photos to a small business that helps to provide for our family. What was once a hobby blog, is now an LLC that has been created to help share content to followers all over the world! When I was in college, there was no career out there that involved blogging or social media marketing degrees. The internet barely existed! I've seen blogging evolve and change over time, and we've seen the start of social media in our lifetime. Social media will forever change our world and we've had a front seat to it all! It's crazy!

My blog started to evolve and change. Maybe you've been along for the ride since the beginning. If so, thank you! If you are new here, welcome! I really want this to be a place where I can share real people, real projects and real life. The internet and social media are full of enough fake and curated content, I want to be the girlfriend you can trust who will help you along the way.Stop Ignoring Twitter
A course that will help bloggers and small business owners grow a relevant and engaged audience on Twitter
I've had some amazing opportunities during this ride and I've learned a lot. I didn't set out to create a business on the internet. In fact, I'm one of the least tech-savvy people you will ever meet!
But on one particular occasion, I had an opportunity to work with a dream brand partnership. Little did I know that that partner's marketing team would be looking at my numbers all across social media. When they looked at my Twitter numbers, they were unimpressed!
I had already decided Twitter wasn't really for me. I had heard experts in my industry tell me that it was OK to ignore Twitter and so I did. I justified and rationalized NOT needing to be present on Twitter.
That is until I heard that brands I wanted to work with and advertisers I was collaborating with were paying attention to me across all my social platforms.
I decided to stop ignoring Twitter but I wasn't sure exactly what that meant.
When I was a kid, my mom used to set a timer for us to do chores. Sometimes we would even use the commercial break as a time to get things done. We knew that there was a start time and an end time so it made it easy to jump right in. I decided to treat Twitter in the same way.
Twitter was a chore to me, but I knew I needed to be there. So I set a timer for 10 minutes each and every day. In 10 minutes a day, I was able to grow my Twitter following from 450 followers to more than 30K in about a year. I have continued to grow by the thousands!
I didn't use any gimmicks or hard to replicate techniques, just good old-fashioned elbow grease. I put in the work, and it's created an engaged audience that is relevant to my niche.
I learned to fall in love with the social media platform and I genuinely like to spend time there now. I am passionate about sharing what I've learned and how I went from thinking that using Twitter was a chore I had to do as a small business to something that I love.
Twitter now drives traffic to my blog, increases my page views monthly and allows me to work with brand partners {and make money doing it!} simply because I'm present and engaged.
I spoke at the very same conference where I heard the industry expert tell me that it was OK for me to ignore Twitter and shared with a room full of bloggers and influencers why I decided to stop ignoring Twitter and the difference it's made on my blog and social media platforms and ultimately for my business.
After that conference, I was encouraged to create a course curriculum that included my techniques and what I've learned along the way. I'm finally ready to launch that course and you can join in and learn all my tips and tricks on how you too, can use Twitter as a blog or small business to grow a relevant and engaged Twitter audience in only 10 minutes a day!
I'm even offering a FREE guide on How to Get Twitter Followers. Simply click here to add your e-mail and get the free download. Click here to get the download
Want to know more?
But act fast, this course fee is simply the introductory rate. The rate for the course will be increasing as I polish up the curriculum. In the meantime, you get quality content that will help get you on the right track to growth!Sign up for the course today!
disclaimer: this post may have affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing through them, I may receive a small commission. These small purchases help me to continue to keep writing content and creating at Rachel Teodoro. Thank you!
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