This week, things on the blog and on my social media are going to be looking a little bit different. It's because this week, we are being challenged together through the World Vision Matthew 25 Challenge.
To learn more about the challenge, click here.
"...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me..." Today's challenge is to go on a 30-minute prayer walk around your community. You may be tempted to skip this challenge, but don't miss this! I really think this walk can be encouraging to you.
Matthew 25 Challenge Day 6: There is Hope

I sat next to a man on a long flight home after my time in Bangladesh with World Vision. He was coming from a wedding of some friends in India. Both of us sat quietly for hours until a conversation was started by my seatmate. We talked for quite some time about the similarities of the extreme poverty we saw in both countries. His trip was quite different though. He left with more questions and I left knowing that there was hope.
Since I've been volunteering with World Vision, the statistics on poverty, hunger, and disease that I once knew are changing. While there are still great needs, change is happening and it's because of organizations like World Vision and people like you that are caring for "the least of these".
This article on hope in 2019 is some of the best news I've heard in a while!
Here are some of the highlights:
The number of people living in extreme poverty is dropping and the world's nations have set a goal to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030.
Every 60 seconds a hungry child is fed and a family gets access to clean water.
AIDS-related deaths have fallen more than 50%!
We can solve the global water crisis IN OUR LIFETIME!
Children are being lifted out of extreme poverty through child sponsorship programs and gifts from the gift catalog.
Even though we are still thick in the greatest humanitarian crisis of all time, millions of refugees are being reached with child-friendly spaces, education, and support.
Through community-focused programs, for every child, you help through World Vision, four more benefit.
There is hope and you can be a part of the solution! Sponsoring a child is the first step to reach out and build a relationship and work with an organization that is already providing the hands and feet on the ground.
In case you missed it:
If you had some thoughts come into your mind during your prayer walk, don't just let those fade away. Take some time to write those thoughts down and see if you can come up with a way to take action this week.
Don't forget to join in and share your experience from the challenge today. Use #M25challenge to find, follow and post on social media.
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