It's back to school time! Kind of hard to believe because I think the summer just started, but alas, we are back to another school year. I remember sending back some of my kids but not all of them and the ones left behind were always looking for school-like things to do while their siblings did their homework at the table in the afternoon. This DIY unicorn notebook would be the perfect thing for that! Or, maybe your kiddo needs a little journal to help jot down their thoughts after school. There is a lot that happens during the day, maybe they want to write it down and process it. Whatever you are using this unicorn notebook for, it's not only fun to put it together, but it's fun to use. I'm not sure I have met a kid right now who doesn't love unicorns, so give this fun little craft a try. I've got everything you need and a step-by-step tutorial on how to do it.
Easy DIY Unicorn Notebook
List of Supplies:
2. Craft glue
3. Scissors
4. Pencil
6. Stationary papers
7. Stapler
Select colored craft papers and cardstock papers for this project. The template includes ears, horn and cheek
blushes of the unicorn and flower patterns.
Download the unicorn template here
Once you have your template downloaded, use a pencil to trace the patterns from the template on the selected papers and neatly cut out the traced patterns. Use cardstock papers for the ears
and horn and craft papers for the flowers and other decoration.
Take the small part of the ear {pink colored} and glue it inside the big ear pattern; similarly prepare the other ear. I used a silver candy wrapper {you could use aluminum foil} to cover the cardstock horn pattern; you can use any color you want. The flowers include 3 parts; glue them one on the top of the other, placing the smaller ones on top.
Now, let’s prepare the notebook. Gather a bunch of stationary papers and
a white cardstock paper. Determine the size of the notebook and prepare the
papers accordingly. But keep in mind to keep the width twice the required size.
For instance, my notebook is 12 cm x 8 cm so I had to cut the papers into 12 cm
x 16 cm. Fold the prepared stationary papers into half along its width to
create a crease. Stitch or staple the stationary papers along the middle line.
Fold the cardstock paper {12 cm x 8 cm} into half along its width as
well. The cardstock paper will be cover of the notebook.
Turn the cover paper to its wrong side and place it on a flat surface. Stick
the ears and the horn pattern along the top side of the cover; the patterned
sides of the ears and horn should face the right side of the cover.
Cut out a piece of cardstock paper {8 cm x 4 cm} and apply glue on any
one side of it.
Place the glued side of the paper on the top end of the notebook-cover
to cover the overlapped parts of the ears and the horn.
Fold the notebook cover and this is how the front side looks like.
Take the prepared flowers and glue them one by one along the top side of
the front cover, below the ears and the horn of the unicorn.
Use a pencil to draw the face features of the unicorn on the front cover, below the flowers. You can trace the one I drew or come up with your own pattern.
Use a black sharpie to draw the traced face of the unicorn.
Grab the stationary papers you already prepared. Unfold the cover and
apply glue along the middle crease of the cover.
Place the closed end of the papers along the glued part of the cover.
Close the cover and press it along the glued part to make sure that the papers are glued securely.
Allow the glue to dry before you close your notebook so the pages don't stick together.
Isn't this the cutest thing?! You guys are going to love it.

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