Top Blog Posts of 2017
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My Love Hate Relationship with Social Media as a Mom of Teens

My Private Tour Recap of the 2018 HGTV Dream Home
Filed under:
dream home,
home decorating,
home improvement,
home renovation,
real life

DIY Coordinating Christmas Ornaments and Wrapping Paper the Easy way!
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christmas decor,
christmas projects,
duck tape,
holiday projects,
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Mixed Metal Mirror Duck Tape Wreath
Remember how gold anything made us gag like 10 years ago? Now I can't get enough. Especially around the holidays. My absolute favorite part about Christmas {besides the cards} is the twinkly shiny everything. Twinkling lights on the tree, shiny ornaments and now, my new favorite Christmas decoration is this mixed metal mirror Duck Tape wreath. What's that you say? This is Duck Tape??? Stop it!!! Yep, it doesn't look like it because it's too busy looking like a million bucks that's why.
Filed under:
christmas decor,
christmas projects,
duck tape,
holiday projects,
real projects

DIY At-Home Pedicure
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Amopé. The opinions and text are all mine.

6 Things You Didn't Know You Should Look for in a Home
I was 22 when we bought our first home. My husband and I looked for months trying to find the perfect house for our growing family. We spent many weekends scouring every neighborhood within a thirty-mile radius, looking with our agent. I'm not sure we knew exactly what we were looking for; we just knew what we weren't looking for. We were a real estate agent’s dream! I'm surprised she still talks to us.
We actually lucked out with that first house. We ended up falling into a home that not only met our needs as we grew into a family of five {and then literally bursted at the seams!}, but learned that some of the homes features are ones that we wanted to replicate when we sought out our second home nearly a decade later. These aren't things a typical first-time homebuyer would have in mind, so stay tuned and let me know what you think. If you’re an experienced homebuyer, I'd love to know what you would add to this list.

How to Pose your Dog for a Family Picture
Our three year old Golden Retriever Sophie is a part of our family.
It didn't even cross my mind that we wouldn't include her in our impromptu trip to the park to try to take photos for our Christmas card.
My husband set up the tripod and got the camera ready while we all tried to pose and hold his spot.
Unfortunately, Sophie didn't get the memo that you are supposed to turn towards the camera, smile and look your best.
We ended up with these pictures of Sophie.
She's looking at the camera, but we can't get her to sit.
Here she is sitting, but the kids are all laughing because she isn't turned toward the camera.
Our attempt to just let Sophie chase squirrels in the park, left her to actually photo bomb us at the last second.
Trying to get a family picture for our Christmas card with her in it, just wasn't working.
If only I had remembered that she will do anything for a treat.
Sophie is partial to the bacon and peanut butter flavored kind.
I just take the treat bag out and she immediately sits and is ready to do anything I ask of her!
Behind the camera, this is what I am holding to get Sophie to sit in position for Christmas picture attempt 2.
I ended up getting this very dignified looking picture of her by the Christmas tree.
Man, why didn't I think of bringing her treats along to the park when we were trying to get a family picture?
Live and learn.
Next year, the five of us and the dog will be gracing the family Christmas photo card.
Of course, I'll make sure I have dog treats in my pocket.
I would love to see your cute pet Christmas photos.

Fashion for Moms of Teen Daughters-We Might Need a Support Group

How to Hang a Picture on Board and Batten

These Fixer Upper Fans Got Married at The Silos in Waco
Unlike you crazy super fans, I became an accidental Fixer Upper fan. Several years ago, I had a few people tell me that I looked and dressed a little like Joanna Gaines on Fixer Upper. I don't have cable so I'd never seen the show. So...I did what any normal human would do and googled it. Image after beautiful image came up and I loved what I saw. About that same time, my oldest son started looking for colleges and found his home at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Yet another thread was woven into the tapestry that has created my fandom.
Personally, the more I get to know about Chip and Joanna Gaines through seven degrees of separation, the more I like them. I hear story after story from real life friends of theirs that tell me how genuine and humble they are. This is a story from a blog reader who reached out to me and it puts a little cherry on the top of what most of you probably already knew.
Chip and Joanna Gaines really are just as sweet and kind as we think that they are. Read on to hear about the very generous wedding surprise they gave these fans that got married at The Silos in Waco.

Third Time is a Charm: My 100% Honest Stitch Fix Review

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