This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Mobil 1 at Walmart. All opinions are 100% my own.
It doesn't seem like it was that long ago I was being handed the keys to my parent's car for the first time. I loved having the freedom and ability to go where ever I wanted. But there is more to driving than just having a license and a set of wheels. I know, because now I'm on the other side. Our oldest son has been driving for a few years and now my 15-year-old daughter has her learner's permit and has just completed drivers ed. If you have a child who has recently gone through driver's ed., then you also know that those hours of training officially make them the best driver ever and it instantly gives them permission to point out all of your mistakes when you are in the car together.
I remember shortly after I got my license, my tire popped. I was forever grateful that my dad had taught me how to change a tire when I was in my learning phase so that I was prepared. We are doing the same thing with our kids and making sure that they have basic car maintenance skills that will give them the knowledge that they need for a lifetime. While some tasks should be left to the pros, teens can at least know the basics so that they are aware of what to look for and be responsible car drivers.
Basic Car Maintenance for Teens
Know the Gauges
This was a section of my teens drivers' education course, but it's important to reiterate that teens need to pay attention to the gas gauge and know what to do if the "check engine" light comes on. They should also understand the temperature gauge and the oil light.Check the Levels
Teens should know how to check the fluid levels and air pressure in their car. Open the hood together {another lesson in and of itself!} and teach them where the fluids are that they are monitoring and how to tell if they need to take the car in for service.Listen
Teens need to know how to listen to their brakes so that they know when the brake pads are starting to wear down. If they can hear a high-pitched screech when the brakes are applied, it's time to bring the car in.Change the Oil
You know those driving horror stories that we tell from our youth? I remember my husband telling me a story of a girl he knew who had just bought herself a new-to-her car {which is what almost all teens drive, right?!}. She was driving on the highway one day and her car literally seized up. Because she had enough momentum from being on the highway, she was able to roll the car off onto the shoulder. Turns out, she had the car for more than a year and had never changed the oil. She didn't know she had to! This was decades ago, but had she had new Mobil 1™ Annual Protection motor oil, she wouldn't have needed to worry! Though it was a lesson I'm sure she won't soon forget.
As a mom, it's reassuring to have one less thing to worry about every few months because we all know how much us mamas worry! I don't want to be that constant nagging voice asking if they changed the oil every few months. Don't we all want the longest lasting protection for our kids? I know I do! And I get that with Mobil 1.
Mobil 1 set out to create the most advanced motor oil ever, making car maintenance not only more convenient, but also better for your engine because it extends oil life, maximizes engine wear protection and prevents harmful deposits. New Mobil 1™ Annual Protection motor oil is Mobil's ultimate synthetic formulation, the latest fully synthetic technology, providing the longest-lasting engine protection.
Now through September 8, you can receive a $10 eGift Card when you purchase Mobil 1™ Annual Protection motor oil 5-Quart jug online at We purchased the oil and the Mobil 1™ Extended Performance oil filter, and brought it to our Walmart Auto Care Center for service.
While we were getting an oil change, we did a little shopping in the beauty aisle. Not only does my driving need improvement {according to my teen daughter}, so does my makeup! We killed two birds with one stone and had some mother/daughter time while the cars oil was being changed. I call that a win win!
Read the Book
Not only is it important to read the driver's ed. manual to understand the laws of the road in your state, but it's also important to read up on the car manual. So maybe they don't need to read the whole thing cover to cover, but teens should be aware of the information they can find inside the car manual so they can reference it if they have a question.They should also understand how to select the proper oil filter and windshield wipers for the car they are driving. There is often a book located in the automotive aisle that they can use for reference.
While you are changing the oil, it's a great time to change the oil filter as well. We selected a Mobil 1™ Extended Performance oil filter. Pairing Mobil 1™ Annual Protection motor oil with a Mobil 1™ Extended Performance oil filter gives you peace of mind for one year {or 20,000 miles}, of engine protection!
Locate the Spare Tire
It can be a little scary turning those keys over to your most precious cargo, but you will feel better, knowing that your teen knows the basics of car maintenance. Those basics will help them be prepared for a lifetime of success as a vehicle owner.

It is so important to teach kids all they need to know before they are driving. We can't give them the huge responsibility of driving without giving them all the tools and resources they need in case something goes wrong. Great tips.
Yes it is important to teach our kids on driving. SO they can be more independent and can learn their own responsibility.
My dad taught me so many things about car maintenance. He always wanted to have a son for a first born but he got me instead. Haha. So every week, I would get lessons on car parts and what they do, how to troubleshoot, change tires, check oil and the air pressure on the tires. These are things I taught my children too.
I still need to learn how to change my oil. Learning how to be calm in a car emergency is also helpful!!
As you are driving your car whenever you want it is the responsibility of you to pay attention to the condition of this valuable vehicle. You should understand the temperature gauge and the oil light by looking "check engine" light comes. Monitoring the level of fluid at a regular time period. Change the oil if it gets too old and dark. Go through owner's manual to acquiring some knowledge about your car maintenance. You can also contact with a car specialist.
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