Sometimes {OK, a lot of times!} I buy things at garage sales just because they are a good deal. I don't always know what I'm going to do with them, but the deal is too good to pass up. Sometimes something will sit around for a bit before it comes into it's own. Kind of like this DIY potting bench. I bought these two pieces during different seasons. I actually purchased the planter box last summer and it sat on the side of my house. The bench was a recent purchase from this summer at least, and after putting the two pieces together, painting them to make them cohesive and then spending some time looking at them, they finally came into their own. I think they work well together and have created the perfect DIY potting bench. Which is perfect, because I spend a lot of time out in the garden during the summer and it's nice to have a place where everything is together. Plus, it kind of looks amazing don't you think? I'm sharing how I made this DIY potting bench today and helping you think out of the box so you can make your own too.
DIY Potting Bench
These two pieces started out not looking like they could belong to each other. The planter box cost me two bucks and the bench was $5. I love the idea of a planter box, but it sat on the side of my house for about a year because where would one put a planter box? I would have to make something for one window and then the other back windows would have been sad that they didn't have a planter box. Why don't I have a planter box? Where's my planter box? There would have been nasty I just left it on the side of the house sitting.
Until, I decided to paint both items black. Nothing like paint to make two items cohesive in a heartbeat. I used my trusty HomeRight paint sprayer {it's a must have! Especially if you hate to makes painting fun again!} and put them together for a HomeRight blog post. Here's a little side by side before and after. Bingo bango, they look like they are a nice little team now doesn't it?
I have become this crazy plant lady and stop by the plant section every single time I go to the store. I usually buy the plants on super these. And if they die, I use my trusty trick and ask myself "is it dead yet?" And then I get my money back. You can too. Seriously, click that link. It's my ultimate gardening secret. Especially if you are a little unsure of yourself as a gardener.
I got tall plants, medium plants and small plants because thrill, fill, spill are the garden growers secret to a potted plant.
Did you know you can get dirt at the Dollar Store? Yep, you can. It's not much, but sometimes it's all you need.
I planted the planter box and then put it on top of the bench because as we already established I don't have a place to put it on my window. Then it sat there for like two weeks and guess what?
Like any flat empty surface it started collecting items. It started with a pot and then another and then it kind of evolved into the perfect DIY potting bench. I added my gardening gloves so they are easy to find, some dirt {in the galvanized bucket} for quick planting projects, some pots in case I need to pot something {duh}, my gardening tools and a watering can.
I actually really like how this mismatched pile of stuff turned into something so useful. You never know. Start by painting something and making it cohesive and then over time it may just show you how it wants to be used.

I am right there with you. I find things at auctions, garage sales, etc. that are too good to pass up. Love what you did with the two pieces. Painting them the same color really looks good.
Love the bench! I want one now too. I never find good deals like that though.
I noticed your surface that the bench was sitting on. It doesn't look like a regular concrete surface, as it seems a bit more textured. I'm trying to find something a little nicer than concrete to use as the pathway around our pool and deck area. We've (I mean my husband) decided that individual flat stones are way too expensive to do the entire path. So, I'm keeping my eyes open for other option. What exactly is your surface?
Hi Jennie! It's just a stone aggregate. It's very common in our area and most homes have porches/patios and driveways made from it. IT holds up really well. Best of luck to you!
What a great little project. I love finding things at garage sales and repurposing them. I actually need to get myself a potting bench at some point.
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