Blog Anniversary Celebration with a Giveaway of a Few of My Favorite Things! Valued at $1500!

This month marks 7 years of blogging. Holy cow! What started out as a hobby for me has turned into a full time job and I am loving it! I had no idea when I started Holy Craft in January of 2010 that a blog could even become more than just a little web diary. If you've never heard the story of how this blog came to be, let me give you a little back story. In 2005, I was expecting our third child. I started a personal blog as a sort of photo album to share pictures of my kids and give a snapshot of our life to our friends and family. Most of them lived thousands of miles away and the blog became a fun way for me to share life. As my kids started to get older, I was able to start exploring some of my passion for creating again. Those creations started creeping up into my personal blog in 2009. Blogging was relatively new then and I joined in on a link party. I realized I had a lot of personal information and family pictures on our blog and directing people to it probably wasn't the smartest move. So I did what any grown-up does and asked my friends on Facebook if they would read a blog if I started one. A few people said yes and I started asking for suggestions on a blog name. Holy Craft was born. The name came from a fun play on words but I also thought it encompassed what I wanted in a blog. The blending of my holy, spiritual side with crafts and creating. There have been a lot of ups and downs in there, but today is for celebrating! I'm giving away some amazing prizes and doing it in a fun way I think you guys are going to really enjoy. Since it's my blog and a celebration of my work anniversary, I wanted to celebrate by giving away my favorite things! Any guesses what they are?!! I'm going to explode, I'm so excited!!!

For the past few years, I have been toying with the idea of rebranding. I never did it because I could never come up with a name that I liked that I thought fit me, but the time had come that I had outgrown my old blog name Holy Craft. In August of 2016, after much thought, I decided to rebrand and became Rachel Teodoro. Why not just be me sharing about real people, real life and real projects? Oprah does Oprah, Ellen does Ellen and Martha Stewart....well, you get my point. I decided to become 

Through the years, I have blogged about a lot of things. I will tell you that I get approached multiple times a day to tell my readers I like this thing or that thing, but the one thing that remains year after year, is that I will not post about something that I do not love. I hope that you feel the authenticity that this gives my blog even though it means turning down money or opportunities in order to remain true to my blog. But it also means I get to tell you about things that I love which is why I'm here to giveaway a few of my favorite things! Kind of like Ellen in her 12 days of giveaways or Oprah's favorite things...except different. Because while I want to say to each of you "you get a car, you get a car, you are all getting a car," I have to take myself down a notch or two and bring myself back to reality. It may not be a car, but you guys, this giveaway is down right awesome. I am beyond excited to be able to give this whole prize package to one of you.

SO...what's in the giveaway?

Expressions Vinyl Cameo 3 Mega Bundle

If someone asked me what my favorite crafting tool was, I would hands down say my Silhouette Cameo. It is a crafting game changer. I even have a whole section on my blog drop down menu dedicated to Silhouette projects I have made. I've made signs, custom invitations, embellished clothes, and created things that look far more professional than something should that was handmade in my kitchen. Expressions Vinyl is one of my favorite vinyl companies to work with. They have great tutorials, support and it's one of the only places I will buy my vinyl for my projects.  I am so excited for one of you to win this Expressions Vinyl Cameo 3 Mega Bundle.

You guys won't even believe what you get with this Cameo 3 bundle!

This is seriously everything you need to get started. This Silhouette will change your crafting game. I promise you! 

Speaking of Silhouette, my friends at Silhouette said that they would love to party with us too! They want to give you a Silhouette Mint bundle

Silhouette Mint Bundle

This Silhouette Mint bundle set includes:  The Mint Custom Stamp maker, 7 mint stamp sheets, 3 stamp kits, 4 colors of Mint ink and the powerful Mint Studio™ software. Plus access to 50 exclusive stamp designs and a $25 download card so you can get started creating right away! I played around with this machine recently and I loved it. The possibilities for what you can create are endless. It's a great compliment to the Silhouette Cameo. Seriously, if you can dream it, you can do it!

HomeRight SteamMachine AND Paint Sprayer

I love a good product that saves me time and helps me do a job well. HomeRight is full of products like that including two of my favorites that have been featured on my blog in many past projects. I never run out of things to clean around my house with the HomeRight SteamMachine. Seriously, this thing is good for all-natural cleaning without chemicals. This thing works harder so I don't have to. I use it everywhere and bonus, my kids think it's fun to use so it's never a chore to get them to help. 

I hate painting but love the end result, which is why I love this Finish Max paint sprayer. I have used it multiple times {like for this or this} and every.single.time I use it, I'm impressed by it. Not only does it use less paint, it also helps me finish the job quicker, which makes me happy all around! I'm also a little heavy handed when I paint, so I have to wait for ages for paint to dry sometimes. Not with the Finish Max! It gives a nice even coat that drys quickly so you can move on to your next project in no time.

Dayspring $100 Gift Card

I have loved diving in and getting started with Bible journaling this year and I am obsessed with the Illustrated Faith line from Dayspring. You can use this $100 gift card on anything that you want including stationary, cards, gifts, jewelry and home decor. Or you can purchase my favorite Bible. It's up to you! You can pick out anything you want. How fun is that?!

Can you even believe how awesome these prizes in this giveaway are? I wish each and every one of you could win. One lucky winner will be winning this whole prize pack full of so many awesome things. 

Want to know how to enter? 

As part of your entry into the giveaway, I have this little quiz for you. It's a sort of scavenger hunt around my blog over the past seven years in order for you to find the answers. Here's a hint: use the search bar. That should make it a TON easier! I am requiring your e-mail and your name but only so I can use it as an entry into the giveaway. I won't do anything fishy {I hate spam as much as you do!} with your information, I promise! Then simply enter to win using the rafflecopter giveaway you will find below this quiz.
**This quiz is mobile friendly but it's easier to take on a PC
**The best score you can get is a 12/13. Sorry, there is a little glitch on the name. You will get your name wrong even if you are 100% sure that your name is right. Technology. Jeesh! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am so very excited for one of you to win EVERY SINGLE ONE of these prizes! Thank you for celebrating with me! Make sure you visit each of these awesome sponsors that are providing the amazing gifts in this prize pack to let them know how much you want to win.

A huge thank you to:

Expressions Vinyl
Silhouette America

The fine print: This giveaway is open to US residents who are at least 18 years old. I love all of my international readers, but shipping can be a real bear. So sorry friends. I will be checking to verify that your entry is legit. Please don't say you did something that you didn't do. I know you want to win super bad {I totally get that!}, let's just do it fair and square.  This contest runs from January 6, 2017-January 20, 2017. Good luck!

disclaimer: this post may have affiliate links. By clicking on them and purchasing through them, I may receive a small commission. These small purchases help me to continue to keep writing content and creating at Rachel Teodoro. Thank you!


Sam said...

Happy Anniversary. Fun quiz. I got 12 of 13, but the one it appears was wrong was my first and last name LOL.

Kacy Johanson said...

Happy Anniversary! I had fun looking back!! I WANT that pillow you can color!!

Nicole said...

Really, 7 years already! Congrats!

Michelle Hoffa said...

Happy Anniversary, and thank you for your many years of hard work! I've really enjoyed reading your posts. Also that quiz was so fun!

Michelle J. said...

It said 12/13, but I think it was just my name or email.

laura bernard said...

I had a 12/13!

Michelle J. said...

I like the garage sale tip posts!

Silhouette School said...

Congrats Rachel!!! Shared on Sil School :)

kellyr78 said...

I scored 9/13

Rebecca Anne said...

So fun to go see all the fun blogs you've written! Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

Perfect score!!!

Danielle H said...

Happy Anniversary! Great Giveaway!!

Danielle Hughes said...

I got them all right=)

Unknown said...

I don't think I have a favorite post yet since I just discovered you thanks to Silhouette School Blog!!! But I look forward to going through and utilizing some great tips and tricks! But my favorite post from doing the scavenger hung quiz was the glimpse inside the Fixer Upper house!

crystalsg said...

I got a 12/13. Apparently it thinks my name was wrong :) You have so many great blog posts that I will have to search around a little more. I have my fingers crossed. Happy Blog Anniversary.

SuperDesigner said...

I got a 12/13, but it just didn't pick up my name.

crystalsg said...

I loved the vintage mirror and frame blog post. I have wanted to do something like this for my bedroom. I have also been wanting to make a gallery wall of vintage dishes.

Amanda J said...


Linzy Mc said...

12/13 but I'm not sure what I got wrong! Great Blog!

ash said...

12/13...seems as though it recorded my first and last name odd! Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more! :)

ash said...

I love all of your garage sale tips since I try to hit up one a month!! Such great ones in there!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said...

12/13, but only thing wrong was my name!

Unknown said...

Found your blog from another blog I follow so nice to "meet" you and happy blog-anniversary! I got 100% on the quiz!

Dina S. said...

That was a fun scavenger hunt!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! I didn't score so well, that is what I get for multitasking. :)

Have a fab day!!!

Leslie said...

I scored 12/13. New to the site. you have a ton of awesome content! Thanks for the stroll through a few of your posts!

Unknown said...

This is my first visit to your blog:) I love finding new ones:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Pat said...

A very fun quiz to help us get familiar with your fun blog! Happy Anniversary!

Kayley said...

Like others, I scored 12/13 with the wrong one being my name. It was a Fun scavenger hunt, and congrats on the blog anniversary! :)

TiffHobson said...

I didn't know I was supposed to look at how many I got correct. Hopefully a 100%. Ha.

steve weber said...

Not so good... 4/13

katha said...

Fun! I got 12/13

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Anniversary. Your quiz was so much fun and I scored a Total points
11/13 said...

My score is a 10/13, not too shabby ;)

Jodi Bickel said...

I got them all right...except my first and last name. lol :)

Jeanie said...

My quiz score was 12/13 -- but there are only 12 questions ! It was a fun quiz tho and I love your blog. Happy Anniversary.

baglady said...

12/13, thanks to the search bar! I've never seen this blog before, but thanks to the quiz, I'm going to do some catch up! Happy anniversary!

Darlene said...

I got 11/13 correct. Loved your blog.

Anderson Family said...

Congrats on 7 years! I got 12/13 on the quiz...the question I missed was my name...weird!

KimV said...

I go 7 correct

Rhiannon said...

Very cute quiz! Congratulations on your anniversary!

sam said...

Happy Anniversary. congrats on your successes. since I discovered Silhouette, my crafting has gone3 out of control. Love it!

imbigwillie said...

I got 4/13.

Unknown said...

I got 12/13. Did I really get my name wrong!?! Haha!
Love the blog!

Unknown said...

I got 12/13. Did I really get my name wrong!?! Haha!
Love the blog!

Pam M said...

12/13 like many others I guess the system didn't credit my name because there is no right or wrong answer on your key?

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Rachel, congratulations on your anniversary and the tremendous success of your blog!

Charity Cram said...

It says I got 11/13, but I only missed one question. It didn't want to give me a point for my name. Thank you for the chance to win! Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

12/13. What fun to look back at some of these posts!

Melissa Storms said...

I got 12/13. Happy Anniversary! I always look forward to your garage sale finds and transformations.

Gina said...

Great Job! I took the quiz and saw lots of cool stuff. Great idea to get me more involved in your blogs.

creativegal said...

I enjoyed reading your posts and I am inspired. Thanks for sharing your talent.

sissy said...

I got 12 out of 13 right ! Thanks for the chance

Charity Cram said...

My favorite post is What Not To Buy at the Dollar Store! I love getting a good value at the dollar store, and don't want to waste my money on worthless junk. Thank you for the chance to win!

TiffHobson said...

I love the Fixer Upper posts. I must admit I've never seen the show. 🙈 If it's not on Disney or Nickelodeon then I don't watch it.

ATC.XM said...

What a great blog! (I scored 'em all, btw)

Heather lyons said...

Got them all

Unknown said...

I have no idea what I got right or wrong!!

Unknown said...

My favorite post is the owl pillow you can color!

Heather lyons said...

I like everything

Lisa Babs said...

I got 12/13... but I'm pretty sure I got my name right... so I'm gonna give myself 13/13... you just have to trust me that I know my own name ;-)

Debra Spinks said...

Fun quiz! and great giveaway!

Debra Spinks said...


Teaching with Grace said...

10/13 was my score. That was a super fun idea! Fingers crossed to win!

Donna said...

I don't know what my score was. I entered and when I finished I received an email. I clicked it figuring it was my score. It wasn't . Lol It was my answers. When I went back, the page was gone. Still had fun though.

Pam K said...

Your quiz reminds me how quickly I forget things. I enjoy your blog posts, but it was hard to remember the answers. Must be an age thing lol! Seriously though, love your blog especially painting furniture.

Nicole Martin said...

I got 11/13. :)

erc said...

Same as many above, 12/13, with my name not getting points ;-) Really enjoyed navigating your beautiful website- what a great idea to do a quiz like that!

Susan said...

Great scavenger hunt! I got 12 of 13, same as the other comments, just the name wrong.

Gladys M said...

Happy Anniversary! Incredible Milestone! Congratulations.

(I got an 11.)

Rachel said...

My score was a 5/13 (not very easy to do on your phone).

QuinnBen said...

Fun quiz! Happy Anniversary!

Penny said...

I love your Garage Sale

Penny said...

I got 12/13 enjoyed the quiz

erc said...

I love your jeans posts- both the original hem one, which I'd totally seen floating around Pinterest, and the skinny jeans one, which was new to me! :)

Lindsay said...

I did really bad! Oh no!

Debi at Life Currents said...

I only got 3/13. Oh no! But congrats on the blogiversary

Melissa Storms said...

I have to say I love the garage sale find Fridays and the transformation Tuesday posts. My favorite though is the How to negotiate at a garage sale post. I always feel weird asking to change set prices but I love the idea of bundling items and plan to use it this spring.

Unknown said...

I have no idea how to find the answers to the quiz to know what I scored. Lol. I'm new to Rachel Teodoro site,but will keep looking for the answers to see my score! Would love to win this,good luck to us all!

Tami said...

Got 12/13!

Unknown said...

I scored 12/13. What a great way to have us check out your blog.

Unknown said...

I really liked your post about garage sale negotiations. I've been garage sale purchaser for years and thought it was spot on.

aks417 said...

I got a 12 woohoo! It was fun reading the posts.

Bailey D said...

I got 10 correct!

Kristin T. said...

I really enjoyed the quiz! I got 12/13 simply because of my name which you had warned us about :-) My favorite post was about the bear- thankful he didn't get hurt any worse that he did, but what a memory that is and the fact that you all have the bear hanging above the fireplace :-)

ksimon46 said...

My score was 11/13. I got them all right but the one about the coffee shop. I thought Starbucks was your fav before you went to Waco.

ksimon46 said...

And I really like your how to posts and silhouette posts.
Happy Anniversary and thanks for the fun quiz!

Camille W. said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great prize pack! I have enjoyed your blog for a long time now. I got a 12/13 on the quiz. Happy future blogging!

Lauren said...


Kaizen Fashion Project said...

12/13 :)

Ali said...

What a fun giveaway! I loved the coloring pillow post. For the quiz, I got a 12/13...didn't get a point for my email address.

Robin Beck said...

Happy anniversary!

Robin Beck said...

1/13- 😑

Unknown said...

12/13. Apparently my name doesn't count. :)

tewolff said...

So fun! Happy Anniversary!

tewolff said...

12/13 for me :)

Beth B said...

I scored 12/13!!
Very fun! Such a great idea to have the scavenger hunt. Now I want to look some more.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Kim said...

12/13 Thanks for the chance to win

Beth B said...

My favorite post:
Your daughters upholstered head board. Love it! She did a great job on the tutorial too!

Shauna said...

Thanks for the opportunity at an amazing bundle!!

Shauna said...

The quiz won't work right for me. I really wanted to see my score. Oh well

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

Snap, I commented before I read what to comment...I got a 12 out of 13. Darn, I was hoping for a perfect score!!

Scarly k said...

12/13! Took me forever to finish this just cause I kept getting side tracked with the other posts, lol!

Laura said...

My favorite post is how to put vinyl sayings on burlap placemats. Love them!!

Unknown said...

Fun quiz! Great to see all of your previous ideas! Scored 11/13

Unknown said...

Fun quiz! Great to see all of your previous ideas! Scored 11/13

Miranda Lee Coleman said...

I love your blog! I found it by chance on a silhouette FB group. I love the info and stories you have ! I will definitely subscribe ! Thanks so much !

Miranda Lee Coleman said...

I got a 12/13 but found myself reading more of your blogs before I remembered to answer the quiz ! Happy anniversary

Cheryl Campbell said...

I got 12/13. Love your blog!

Sierra said...

I got 11/13 missed the coffee shop question :(

amy17green said...

8/13= I need to spend more time on your site!

Alicia NDC said...

Hi - My score is 12/13 - (you mentioned that names won't be counted as correct) I could NOT find the T-shirt song for the longest time - Then I finally realized what I was missing. Happy Blog Anniversary!

Unknown said...

I got a 12! Contest is awesome and I loved going down "memory lane". Favorite post was of Magnolia Market!

Tammigirl said...

My score is 12/13 - two of those answers took me a LONG TIME to find. :)

Love your blog! I just found you because of a facebook post by HomeRight so I'll peek peeking around all over.

Tammigirl said...

Silhouetteteam has a suspended account on twitter. I hope it's okay that I tried and took the entry when twitter gave me that error message.

Thought you might like to know about it.

Leslie W said...

I got 12/13 and got to re-read some great posts!

TexasMomKJ said...

12/13 Booyah!!

Unknown said...

12/13 yahooo!!

Heather Hayes Panjon said...

I Got A 12/13, It looks like my name was marked wrong, lol.

Quantmlife said...

12/13 is the score it had for me ;)

Quantmlife said...

While I was searching for the answers to your quiz the post I liked the most (my favorite) was about how to hem your pants. Thanks.


10/13,,,,Rechecked & still messed up but still want the color owl pillow..Thanks

Jenna said...

My "helpful" 2 year old on my lap lead to a 10/13. :-P Just came across your site and love it! So excited to follow now. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...


Renee said...


Renee said...

I like your posts on garage saling,.

Unknown said...

10/13. Great blog!

Deb Harris said...

This giveaway turned up in my FB feed. Glad I checked it out. Congratulations on your anniversary, I'm looking forward to checking out more of your projects. Might make my score go up a few points.

Melanie said...

Happy Anniversary! I scored a 2 :( I better study up more lol

Lauren said...

My score was 6/13.

Unknown said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win these awesome prizes. I scored a 12/13!

Ellen said...

12 out of 13!

Deb Plapp said...

I'm not able to give my answer to your question. Every time I hit the button it kicks me out to the comments section. Am I doing something wrong?

Dawn said...

Mine said 12 out of 13, but it showed everything right....but my name, lol. Thank you for the scavenger hunt, it was fun, and thank you for the chance to win an awesome prize. Have a great day, and good luck to everyone.

Dawn said...

I really like the Space Needle t-shirt.

CarrieAnn13 said...

I think it showede 13 out of 13 right. FUn quiz! Thanks for the chance and the great blog. Happy anniversary

CarrieAnn13 said...

There are so many posts I love, but one of my favorites is the cross stitch family

Anonymous said...

I missed the one about the tutorial. 11/13 (even though I did get my name right!)

Anonymous said...

Sweet! I got a 12/13!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog but I love the tutorial on how to hem your jeans with the original seam. I will definitely be using this! I also enjoyed your what not to buy at the dollar store. Often times I've wondered what is decent and what is not worth the time.

The Kolb Family said...


Betty said...

Happy Anniversary. Fun quiz. I got 12 of 13, but the one that appears was wrong was my first and last name LOL

Unknown said...

11/13 You have an amazing website with tons of information! Love it!

Emily said...

I got 12/13. Such a fun quiz! Congrats on your anniversary and thanks for the chance to win! <3

Emily said...

My favorite post on your blog so far is this one on how to make a dot christmas tree with vinyl on an old window. I love that you used scraps and it turned out so beautifully.

Bridgett Wilbur said...

I got a 9/ 13 on the blog quiz.

Unknown said...

I got 12/13! Congrats on the anniversary!

Cyndi said...

Other than the name, I somehow got the coffee shop question wrong! Not sure how that happened. Must've read the question wrong. 😕 Anyway, thanks for reminding me of some great posts!

Cyndi said...

I have liked many of your posts! This quiz reminded me of several... particularly the ones dealing with garage sales and Fixer Upper. 😃 Thanks for a great giveaway!

Jannie said...

Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

Jannie said...

WooHoo!!! 12/13! Got them all 😊

WTGGG said...

What a way to learn about you :)

Unknown said...

10/13 was my score.

erinleigh said...

12/13! What a fun way to explore your blog!

Unknown said...

Garage Sale for the first timer.

Rebecca B said...

Such fun! I got 12/13 and found some wonderful ideas! Thanks!

Rebecca B said...

My fave post is the silver and glam teen bedroom.

Peggy said...

7 out of 13

Peggy said...

I love your site !Love your articules on Yard sales and how you refinish different items . I was looking on HomeRight and I saw lazy cleaning tricks , had to click ! I found you and love your blog! Thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Great quiz! It kept me entertained while riding in the passenger seat of a car yesterday for 10 hours. Well done! Keep pedaling and I'll try to keep up with you!

Unknown said...


laurel said...

I got 12 :)

Brandie said...

I got 12/13! thank you! brandiev at gmail dot com

Brandie said...

My favorites are all of your Fixer Upper posts!

Mississippi Cindy said...

Rachel, I am just finding your blog and Love what I have found! A great quiz, and very nice for my first introduction to your site, 12/13. I am looking forward to seeing more really soon and the reveal.

Karrie said...

I got a 4..eeek

sarah mayer said...

I scored 9/13

Ellen said...

I like your DIY infinity scarf post.

Ellen said...

I like your DIY infinity scarf post.

Jolene said...

congrats on your time here! totally enjoying reading the blog!

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