When you think of beach combing, you usually think of shells. But not if you are on the Pacific coast. Living in Washington, most of the beaches are filled with driftwood. While I love to find shells on the beach, I have warmed up to the idea of the hunt for driftwood. Last summer, I collected a nice big bag of driftwood and have been using it for various projects. This driftwood mirror is my latest project.
You won't believe what else I used to create it!
You all know my love of garage sales. I find the most random things. One of my favorite things to look for are craft supplies. I don't always have an idea in mind when I pick up my deals, but this time I had an idea. I found this lazy susan for only $2 {of course, I only paid $1 for it!} and this small round mirror for fifty cents. I put the two together and knew they would make a great decorative mirror. I just didn't know what I was going to use around the edge to decorate it.
Inspiration struck and I decided to try adding some of the smaller pieces of driftwood that I had collected around the edges of the mirror and I am dying over the results! It's so very easy and the total project cost me less than $2!
Just in case you don't have these items laying around to use like I did, you can buy something similar to use. For this project you will need:
Wooden blank {I used a lazy susan}
driftwood {go to the beach because holy cow this stuff is expensive!}
I started by taking my driftwood pieces and getting a pile of the ones that would lay flat. I needed all different shapes, but the ones that lay flat were important so that they would cover the mirror and not leave any gaps around showing the lazy susan.
I started laying my pieces out like a puzzle before I glued anything down. I wanted to make sure that the pieces would fit together and cover as much of the lazy susan as I could.
This did take some creativity and was the hardest part, but after flipping pieces up and down over and under, you will figure it out and everything will fit in just right!

I tried a few different kinds of glue, hot glue worked the best for this project. Take each driftwood piece and use a nice line of glue on the back. Hold it down in place to make sure it's secure. Repeat the process filling any holes and gaps in and overlapping where needed.
If you don't want to make this mirror, you could always buy it. This one is on sale on Amazon right now.
If you want to see other driftwood projects that I have created, you can use the side bar to search simply put in the word "driftwood" or check out these featured projects.
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