It's so much fun having a daughter. My sweet girl is nearly 14 and she fell hard into the land of beauty products, make up and all things homemade. She loves to raid my kitchen cabinets and experiment with making her own beauty products. Some of them are wins, some of them are not. This one though, this one is a win. One Saturday I saw her walking around with a face mask on. I asked her what she used and I was shocked! There were just two very common household ingredients that worked together to create a surprising result that would be perfect if you need a night of pampering.
You won't believe how easy it is! I even bet you have everything you need in your house right this very instant!
Can you even believe that if you tear off layers of toilet paper and paint them on with egg whites, that you would get the royal face mask treatment? I had no idea! It really does leave your skin firm and feeling nice and smooth. You really only need a roll of toilet paper {you will only use a little bit} and an egg. That's it!

You start by peeling your toilet paper layers apart. You may be fancy and have four ply, we have two ply. I just consider it working less.
The egg whites were placed into a small bowl, stirred around a bit and we used a make up brush from the dollar store to paint the egg white on top of the layer of toilet paper that was ripped to fit in a small section on my face.

You are working with smaller sections of toilet paper sort of like you are doing paper mache.
Keep layering on all around your face. Until your face is covered. You can even put a few layers on to make sure you are overlapped and covered.
Once your face mask is complete, sit and relax for about five minutes.
You should be able to feel the face mask getting harder and it will turn a darker color as it dries. Start at the bottom and slowly peel your face mask up.
It should come off all in one layer.
How much fun is that?! Really, who knew just two very common household ingredients when mixed together would make a fun functional face mask that actually works to firm up your skin and leave your face feeling baby soft.
I imagine that the egg white also has a tightening effect once dried. I will definitely give this mask a try! Thanks
How fun! This is such a great idea! I love using products I have at home to make different beauty products. I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to do this with!
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