Isabella recently discovered Mako Mermaids. A second season of this Netflix original series was just released a few weeks ago. Isabella has been watching episode after episode and the series has captivated her attention. But don't take my word for it! Let me take a second to introduce to you my daughter Isabella with her review.

Great new tween girl show

Leather coat turned into a pillow for around $2
It's actually one of the things I've been doing for the longest.
I think it's the ultimate recycling.
Crafting and DIY projects can end up breaking the bank and actually, sometimes making things yourself can actually cost you more than just buying the item at the store. I love all things thrifty and I will rarely make something just for the sake of making it when I can buy it cheaper.
However, in the case of this leather pillow, I was able to whip it up for around $2. You can't buy a decorative pillow for two bucks!
Filed under:
home decorating,
real life,
thrifty decor,
thrifty living,

Confession time

Free bathroom printable

Floating shelves for the kids bathroom
Last month, I shared with you all how one of my goals was to start taking my pins off of Pinterest and making them a reality. I started a blog series I am calling From Pin To Reality.

What not to buy at the Dollar Store
What Not to Buy at the Dollar Store
I live way too close to The Dollar Store
I end up spending a lot of time there
Which means I also tend to spend a lot of money there too.
I've bought a few things that have been worth a dollar.
And I've bought a few things that are totally not worth a dollar.
So stroll with me through the aisles and I will tell you all those things you should buy
and all those things you should avoid.
Tissue Paper-Buy it at the Dollar Store
It's so much cheaper at The Dollar Store and works great in those
recycled gift bags we all have laying around.
Scotch Tape-Buy it at the Dollar Store
Is it just me or does your house go through tape like it's going out of style?
Thumb Tacks-Buy it at the Dollar Store
You probably don't need these every day, but I did do a project recently and wish I knew they had them at The Dollar Store because I paid too much.
Furniture Polish and Window Cleaner: Buy it at the Dollar Tree
Both things I use often, both things worth picking up
Windex does not corner the market on window cleaner and Pledge doesn't either
Windex does not corner the market on window cleaner and Pledge doesn't either
Estracell sponges-DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
While they may look like the scotch brite sponges, they are not the same.
Don't waste your money buy these instead. You will be glad that you did!
Sun dishwashing liquid: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
This stuff is so watered down that it's cheaper to buy the name brand
Stor-it sandwich bags: Buy it at the Dollar Store
We don't use a lot of these baggies (I use my reusable ones instead)
but when I do need them, they do the job
but when I do need them, they do the job
I'm pretty sure potted meat is never a good idea
also, any "meat" at The Dollar Store-gross!
Pretzels: Buy it at the Dollar Store
These are great for lunches and so much cheaper than at the grocery store
Kids Shampoo: Buy it a the Dollar Store
If you have kids that wash themselves you know how much shampoo you go through.
Shower Curtain: Buy it at the Dollar Store
Now I'm not saying you should use just this shower curtain in your bathroom,
but under your fancy shower curtain, this one for $1 is perfect.
Washcloths and Towels: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
So thin and so not worth it
Extra Healing Lotion: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
It may look like Vaseline's healing lotion, but it is not even close.
Find a sale and buy the real deal
Bobby pins: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
Honestly, didn't know anyone could screw up bobby pins
but they did.
Don't bother
Cotton Swabs: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
These guys bend before you even stick 'em in your ear.
It's like they are scared or something.
Pregnancy Test: Buy it at the Dollar Store
Who knew?
Seriously, the best $1 deal in the store
Compare them with other brands here
**updated**see this follow up post Should you Buy a Dollar Store Pregnancy Test
**updated**see this follow up post Should you Buy a Dollar Store Pregnancy Test
After years of buying pregnancy tests at the dollar store, WalMart has come up with a pregnancy test of their own and it's less than a buck!
Glue Pens-Buy it at the Dollar Store
I always peruse the craft aisle you never know what you will find
I know I've bought these at Michael's before for WAY more!
Colored Pencils: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
These are awful! They won't sharpen and they get dull in a nanosecond
Crayons: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
There is something to be said for Crayola. They have crayons figured out.
These are just waxy and yuck.
Crayola crayons are cheaper than the 8 or 10 in this pack and are far better!
Dough Pate: DO NOT BUY IT at the Dollar Store
It's called Pate...seriously...skip it.
It's not play doh
and yes, I do know that Pate is a French word for paste or dough.
It's still not the same
It's still not the same
Bubbles: Buy it at the Dollar Store
I buy these by the armful during the summer
Cheap, big and full of fun
So what dollar store items did I miss?
Good or bad I want to know!
This Dollar Store post has by far been one of my most popular posts.
I did a few follow up posts based on department.
You can find them here
this post contains affiliate links. if you purchase those items, i may be compensated.

Support local
I'm a big fan of buying local and supporting local artists and crafters. Over a year ago, my oldest son started telling me about a local company {causal industrees} that he was loving and we started supporting this company by buying some pretty rad locally made shirts.
I was just folding laundry and three of the four t-shirts I folded that were Aidan's were all Casual Industrees tee's. I have a few personal favorites.

Making Labels using Your Silhouette Machine and Vinyl
How to Make Labels with Your Silhouette Machine
Want to know which is better, the Cricut or the Silhouette cutting machine? I've got my unbiased opinion here.
I've really enjoyed getting to play with my new Silhouette machine. I am tempted to put vinyl on just about everything so I have to reign myself in. I did make some labels for some of the bulk items that I have in my kitchen.
I used both the positive and negative images from the cutout for the lid and the front of the jar. Waste not, right?
Did you know you can write with chalk on vinyl? Now you do! For whatever reason, this one didn't cut the letters out for the label and instead of throwing it away, I used it anyway and just wrote my own label.
I also made a few labels for things in my pantry.
Something about a label makes me feel so organized!
Want to see other projects you can make with your Silhouette? There is a drop-down menu under real projects at the top of this website where you can see all the Cricut and Silhouette projects I've made.
These are some of my favorite projects:

Canvas Cactus Tote Bag

Faux enamel mug

Drink Local Beer Opener

Restoration Hardware Knock off

Letter Writing Tips for Writing to your Sponsored Child
One of the best parts of child sponsorship is the ability to have communication with your sponsored child. I had the opportunity to meet one of our sponsored children this past summer in Uganda and seeing him in his mud hut holding onto a stack of letters that our family has written him over the years was heartwarming. This family lives in a very small space and only has room for the most basic items. To see that they had made room for the stack of letters that were written to them by a family they didn't even know, made me realize how much they do cherish that communication.
Child sponsorship is near and dear to my heart. To find a child to sponsor or learn more about child sponsorship, visit here.

This is not where I belong
The older I get, the more I realize how dependent my mood is on the weather.
I realized pretty early on living in the Seattle area that I needed to get a break during the dark dreary months and find some sun.
I spent nearly a week in Cancun, Mexico last week soaking up sun and enjoying rare one on one time with my husband and loving every minute of it.
One of our favorite things to do to start the day is to get out and run. I don't necessarily love the running part, but being outside, being active and exploring the area is a great way to start the day.
One of the songs that came on on my iPod as I was running was Building 429 "Where I Belong"
If you haven't heard it, or just love the song and want to hear it again, here it is. It's a great one.

White Chocolate Popcorn Snack Mix

5 things to stop wasting your money on right now
5 things to stop wasting your money on right now
It's easy to get into spending habits and not even think that what you are doing is a waste of money. The new year is a great time to reexamine your spending habits and start making easy changes. I have five things that you can stop wasting money on and start putting some more cash back into your wallet.

February free printable memory verse
As a mom teaching kids to do chores, this verse resonates with me quite often! It's also a great reminder for us as we prepare to serve. Volunteering and serving is so very important to me and our family, and this is a great verse to remember while in the trenches.
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