This post brought to you by FrogTape Brand Painter’s Tape. All opinions are 100% mine.
Every wall in our whole house is painted in the same khaki color.
All 3300 square feet of it.
After nearly four years, it's gotten a bit, how should we say it?
Old? Monotonous? Boring?
Yes, all three!
I've been needing a little change, so when I had the opportunity to try FrogTape® textured surface tape, I knew I needed to give it a try... I just wasn't quite sure where.
I settled on my laundry room.
With three active kids and a dog, I spend a lot of time in the laundry room!
My laundry room is nothing special.
It does have a sink {that rarely gets used} but for the most part, it's just pretty functional.
And in this case, functional is code for boring.
Just this past week, I was able to take my laundry room from boring to bold!
I'm excited to show you how you can paint straight lines without the paint bleed on your textured walls.
When I grew up in the Midwest, I never saw a textured wall that I can remember.
They seem to be common here on the west coast.
If you have ever painted a textured wall, you will wonder why.
{and not in a good way}
Paint bleeds through the small gaps and leaves you with a less than stellar line.
But not any more!
FrogTape® has done it again and come out with a new tape made just for textured surfaces complete with liquid paint block sealer.
FrogTape® is the only painter's tape treated with PaintBlock® technology.
PaintBlock® is a super absorbent polymer that reacts with latex paint and instantly gels to form a micro- barrier that seals the edges of the tape, preventing tape bleed.
This tape bleed is common when painting on textured walls, so FrogTape® took this technology one step further and added a liquid PaintBlock® sealer.
If you thought FrogTape® was awesome before, you should try it now!
It's extra awesome!
I started by having my engineer husband figure out where my lines should be.
Anytime there is math involved, I think it's best to consult with him.
We {and I use that term loosely} decided that the lines should be on the wall at 14", 27", 40", 53", 66" and 79".
It's like those "find the pattern" questions that you get asked in math class.
We started at 14" up on the first line and then have a line every 13" after.
The wall height didn't break up into an even measurement which is why they aren't all 13" apart.
We {again, we meaning him} used the biggest ruler known to man
{seriously, this ruler should be off the highway next to the biggest yarn ball ever and be listed as a tourist attraction}
and marked out where the lines needed to be on the wall.
I used the pencil lines on the wall that my hubby made and strung out the tape.
If you notice the x's, you may question why.
It's genius people.
The x's are the lines that aren't being painted.
It was a lifesaver because then you don't have to think.
Thinking hurts your head and no one wants that.
Once your lines are level on your wall,
take a straight edge {I used my Hilton Honors card--it's not doing a lot for me otherwise} and went over each of my tape lines, making sure the bubbles were smoothed out and the edges were sealed.
Use a damp cloth to activate the PaintBlock® technology.
The final step in sealing your lines is to squeeze on and apply your liquid PaintBlock®
It goes on milky like glue so you can see where you have applied it.
Let the liquid PaintBlock® dry for 15 minutes and then you are ready to paint.
I painted three coats of white paint on the walls, waiting for each coat to dry to the touch.
Once your final coat of paint is dry to the touch you can peel up your FrogTape®
I seriously did an audible gasp and then proceeded to sound like an infomercial to anyone with in earshot
when I peeled the tape up.
I couldn't believe what a straight line the FrogTape® made.
Look at these lines!
Sometimes with painters tape on textured walls you end up getting lucky and are actually able to paint a straight line without the paint bleed,
but there is no way you can get the results across the whole wall if you don't use FrogTape® for textured walls.
I actually love walking down the hallway and seeing my new fresh laundry room.
I can't even believe how straight these lines are!
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What are you waiting on?
Go create with FrogTape®!