Yesterday, I started my series called Running with Holy Craft.
I'm knee deep in training for my 4th half marathon in September to celebrate turning 35.
I'm starting to think the only thing I'm going to be celebrating is that fact that I won't have to run anymore!
But that is neither here nor there.
Today, I'm going to be focusing on gear.
Everyone always says that running is an activity that doesn't require special equipment.
That's a lie.
Sure, you can get by with a pair of running shoes, but if you are serious about training for anything, or for running for a hobby, then there is a laundry list of things that you will need.
Almost everyone I know owns a pair of sneakers.
But are your sneakers the best fit for your foot?
Are your shoes old and breaking down?
Running in old worn-out shoes or ill-fitting running shoes is the leading cause of injuries in runners.
Over time, your shoes lose shock absorption, cushioning and stability, which increases the stress and impact on your legs and joints. Most often leading to overuse injuries.
A good rule of thumb is to replace your running shoes every 300-400 miles.
Depending on how often you are running, this could mean that you are replacing your shoes every 2-3 months!
This is hard because your shoes probably won't look worn out.
But believe me, after having foot problems, it's worth taking care of your feet and getting the right shoe.
Running in the Pacific Northwest usually means runs in the rain.
And if you are running long distances, your feet get sweaty.
Combine the two and you have the perfect storm for getting blisters and losing toenails!
I lost a toenail after my first half marathon because during the run it sprinkled the whole time.
Sloshing in puddles got water in my shoes and my socks were cheap Target brand socks.
I invest in good socks. They make a difference. This is my favorite and they last for years!
And since switching, I haven't lost a toenail yet!
Garmin Forerunner
I've talked before about how much I love my Garmin Forerunner.
I'm not very good at pacing myself so having something that can tell me my pace at a glance and something that keeps my distance and time close at hand is a winner in my book.
I've also been using it recently to tell the % grade of hills that I run.
Mostly gee wiz information, but information all the same.
I shared with you last month my latest running accessory, but it's worth sharing again in case you missed it.
The Road ID slim band is a band that I run with that has all of my pertinent information on it.
I run a lot of roads now, and if something happened to me, no one would know what to do with me or how to contact someone that I loved.
I have my name, our house phone number, my husband's name and cell phone number, our insurance number and a little scripture verse that keeps me motivated {Isaiah 40:31}
Another one of my favorite workout outfits is this tank from Reebok
{purchased at a garage sale for $2}
and these Gap body yoga shorts.
And apparently, you have to stand with your hands on
your hips when wearing said workout attire.
And also, my legs are darn white!
I like a tank top because my pits sweat, and I get hot.
TMI? Whatevs.
This tank has vents down the sides and a pocket in the back.
Perfect for putting my keys in when I have to drive somewhere to run.
The difference in the shirts is that the top one is cotton {wouldn't wear it on a long run because of chafing}
and the bottom one is something magical that is made for running.
I don't know the term. Poly something I'm sure.
Not hard to find, and makes for a comfy run.
If you notice, I also have my hair in a ponytail.
I use the Goody Stay Tight hair elastics.
They are the best for keeping your hair pulled back and they never break!

I would love to hear about it.
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