Pinterest review

It's no secret that I love pinterest. 
 Most of my traffic comes from pinterest and I love 
to waste time find inspiration from other crafty people on pinterest.
Sometimes it's fun to go back and see what things I have pinned that I have actually followed up and either made or were inspired enough by to make something of my own.  Let's visit that today, shall we?
**feel free to pin any of my own images, but if it isn't from my blog, please repin it from the original source**
I was inspired by this post 
to make my cereal box sheet music trees.
I was inspired by this icebreaker jar, 
to make something similar for our monthly PTA meetings.
I was inspired by this mason jar
DIY Mason Jar Soap Dispenser
to make my own mason jar soap dispensers.
 was inspired by this Christmas Reindeer Typography art
Christmas Reindeer Typography Word Art Sign in Vintage Style
to make my own reindeer subway art from an old canvas
I was inspired by this box of sunshine
to send my own box of sunshine to a friend
I was inspired by these pillows
to make a pillow of my own
Pinterest not only inspires me, it also makes me laugh.
Funny Breakup Ecard: Lesson one: Only trust people who like big butts... They cannot lie.
Funny Family Ecard: Thank you for informing me you have a stick figure family of 6. . . Your minivan had me under the impression you were wild & single.
and pinterest makes me think
Dear Abby on Parenting
Pinterest also makes me oh and ah over the darndest things!
This is Yakini, who was born in Australia 1999.
So what pinterest pins have inspired you this month?
Do you follow me on pinterest?
If not, you totally should!

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