What my solution was for the housecleaning dilemma
Last week I came to you, my readers, looking for a solution to my very important dilemma.What to have the housekeepers clean while they were here for an hour and a half.
Well, the ladies just left and boy did they get some work done!
I took the advice of one of my friends and cleaned alongside them.I wrote a list of things I wanted them to domostly deep cleaningand while they were busy I set to work cleaning bathrooms,vacuuming, wiping down doors and baseboards upstairs.
They worked so fast and with the two of them cleaning for an hour and a half, and me cleaning for two hours, we got the house in tip top shape.
So what did we get done?Here's a list:
wipe down all cabinets (even in the laundry room)wash windowsclean patio door inside and outwipe down blinds downstairsclean kitchen countersclean appliances (outside)mop floors (even upstairs in the laundry room and bathrooms)strip and remake bedsdust whole housewipe down baseboardswipe down doorsclean all three bathroomsvacuum whole housespot clean couchwipe down couch (it's leather)wipe down all chairs/table in kitchenwash front door and windows in front door
Phew...that seems like a lot to do in just a few hours!Thanks for all of your advice. It was nice to have someone cleaning beside me. It kept me motivated.
I even put dinner in the crockpot this morning so I don't have to mess up my kitchen tonight.
So do you have a cleaning lady?Do you clean your home on your own?If so, what are some tips that you have?

I clean my house. I have always wondered if I would want someone to come in and clean my house....maybe someday. Tips: I save the kitchen for last
If I find something that goes in another room I make a pile of stuff that leaves the room, if I leave the room I am currently cleaning I will get distracted and not finish cleaning.
Start at the top and work down (dust first clean furniture then vacuum)
pile little things on surfaces. For example if I am cleaning the living room I put everything on the floor either on the couch or on the table, then put it away, I also pile up as much of the little furniture on the couch or table before I vacuum that way its easier and faster to vacuum.
Oh, before I start cleaning I start a load of laundry and a load of dishes if its really bad, usually I can wait on the dishes though. The laundry just seems never ending so I am always doing laundry (7 of us in the house)
I am sure there is more but these things are the most important things I do.
How cool to clean with the cleaners, that would make it more fun!
I no longer have anyone clean for us but I also stayed home and cleaned. The few times I didn't the work wasn't done as well. Now I guess my house is just dusty, lol.
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