Making your own skinny jeans from jeans in your drawer-kids version

One of my most clicked on links has been for making your own skinny jeans
I made some last November that I am still wearing today.

When my daughter complained about only having one pair of jeans that she liked (super skinny jeans from Abercrombie and Fitch), I thought I would help her make a pair of her existing jeans into skinny jeans.  This is what we ended up with.  Ready to make some?

Here they are before.  She really liked the color, just not the fit.  

We start by turning the jeans inside out and putting them back on.

Then we pulled the jeans on each side and pinned them down each leg

Here they are all pinned.  

Then I take a sharpie marker and make a line on the outside of the pins.  I just free handed the line, since her jeans were small.  If you are making some for yourself, you may want to use a ruler to make the line straight.

I sewed up each side on the line.  Easy as that!

                                      Before                                                                            After

The true test?  She wore them to school today so I think she likes them!

You can visit this tutorial for more information


justinelorelle said...

I saw something like this on Pinterest! I definitely have a few pairs that I would wear waaaay more often if they were like my skinnies from Banana Republic. You may have inspired my project for the weekend!

~Stop Me if You've Heard This One

Jennifer said...

Way cool!! Thanks for sharing at Show & Share!
Featuring this on Facebook right now!

Michelle Johnnie said...

Great tutorial. I am featuring this at Grab my featured button.

Fran said...

what an amazing tutorial!!! Such a good idea. Thanks for sharing!

Carleen said...

Great tutorial. I will have to try on my daughter's jeans. Do you cut off the extra when finished?

Unknown said...

Carleen, you can cut off the extra and serge or zig zag stitch the edge if you want. It depends on how much extra fabric you have. For these jeans, I didn't have much, but when I have done it for myself before, I had a fair amount extra that needed cutting off.

Unknown said...

VERY clever! Love that you didn't just cave and get different jeans.

Thank-you so much for joining up to our Pin'Inspiration Thursday Party. You have helped to make it a real success!

Happy follower, would love if you popped by and grabbed a button :-)

Megan Gunyan said...

Nice! I like the poses....very cute.

WCA Yash Travel said...

did you start pinning from the waste line or from the hips?

Unknown said...

You are so talented!! I'm in no way a sewer! Great job! Thanks so much for linking up to Coffee and Conversation Thursday!

sstone said...

That's a really good idea. It's probably easier to make jeans skinny than make them not.:) I might try this with a couple of my jeans that need some help.:)

Ruth said...

This is a great idea. I think I am going to try that on some jeans I have.

Minnie said...

Love this post. My Grandma used to do that to my jeans all the time, back when it was uncool to have jeans that had any room at all around the ankle. I remember going to yard sales and picking up jeans for 50 cents a pair and my Grandma would sew them like that for me. It sure made my babysitting money go much further!

HoneySage said...

Thanks for the inspiration! My daughter will be running into my sewing room with her jeans on inside out as soon as I show this to her. Thank you for sharing!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Great idea! And with the price of some jeans...simply brilliant!

Lindsay said...

Hey, just wanted to let you know that I am going to be featuring this tomorrow from the Show & Share party! Thanks for linking up a great project!

Halle said...

Brilliant! Am totally going to try this!

Anonymous said...

I have tried different methods ,sketches & material. Today am going to share my first altered canvas with you all.

scrapbook paper

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