I can't believe that it's been six years ago today since our youngest son, Owen's arrival. It feels like he's always been a part of our family. He's all boy with lots of energy to explore, question and investigate all of the finest things in life (dirt, rock walls, tide pools). He loves building things and watching machines work. He's not one to hold out on affection or a playful high five or tackle. He is growing up very quickly and is becoming a very responsible athletic young man.

But enough about sweet Owie Dave...check out my mess.
My brother and sister in law are going to be welcoming their first baby (a girl) in September. I'm in charge of the crafty/decorating stuff for the baby shower in late August.

Since it's so close to Val's due date we went with the theme "she's about to pop". I don't want to give everything away before the actual shower, but here are a few sneak peeks.
I am not sure how I accidentally deleted my post. Here it is again.
At our baby showers, we have a matching game that involves naming famous Moms. We give them the kids names and hey have to name the moms. At my sister's shower (her little man came WAY early), by brother in law had to come and open the gifts so then we changed the game to Who's Your Daddy (where you had to name famous dads). It was hilarious.
We also hide baby items (bottles, socks, pacifiers, etc) in opaque bags and make the guests guess what they are. The bags are numbered and get passed around and then you make your guesses on a game sheet. The Mom gets to keep all of the items in the bags, so it doubles as like a "starter kit" because it is all sorts of little things that you forget to buy before a baby.
Happy Birthday to your little guy! He sounds just like my youngest, who turned 4 last month. I'm sure he will have a great day. Also, can't wait to see what all you come up with for the shower decorations. Looks like it will be amazing!
Here are 2 fun games we did at a shower recently.
1- the hostess had a list of the guests first names in one column and a list of meanings for those names. We had to try and match up each name with its meaning. The funny thing was how many people didn't know the meaning of their own name.
2- the hostess bought a pack of adult diapers. Everyone paired up and decorated a diaper with markers. Then someone in the pair modeled the design [over our clothing of course]. The antics in the modeling was very funny!
Ooh can't wait to see all the fabulous-ness (yep that's a word!) ;)
Try this game! I dont' know what it's called, but you put little babies in ice trays, fill them with water, and freeze them. Then you give them out at the shower and tell everyone they can get the baby out any way they want: for example, melt it in water, pound the ice, melt it between your hands, step on it, etc. Anyway they can break the baby out. Winner is the first one to "birth" their baby. lol
Another game we played at my sis in law's shower last month was guess how many diaper pins fit in a baby bottle. They put as many of the little candy diaper pins as would fit in a bottle, and you guess how many are in the bottle.
We also played baby shower bingo, from this site here: http://www.babbee.com/baby_bingo/
Good luck!
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