$7 shopping trip
I love a good bargain. I know my shopping trip today doesn't qualify as a craft, but man you sort of have to be crafty to get a good deal! The kids have been begging for a taco Tuesday night and I didn't have any pico de gallo on hand. I always make ours but was thinking it might have been cheaper and easier to buy it tonight. Thus, the reason I headed into Safeway this morning. I really just wanted to brag about my finds. Here's a picture of all the yummy goodness I got for only $7!

And here's the list:
1 Whole pineapple, 1 dozen eggs, toilet cleaner, jar of salsa, apple juice, peanut butter, 5 pounds of organic onions, 1 box of organic spinach, ice cream, 1/2 pound of black forest deli ham, french bread, safeway selects minestrone soup,and a bag of tortilla chips
How can you save money at the grocery store?
I use coupons and purchase items on sale so that my savings will go even farther.
Download the store apps to get even more discounts and see their current and secret sales.
Check the trash. No really, I get many coupons from the trash bins and cast off. The library will even offer them to you if you ask.
What are your tips for saving money at the grocery store?