My kids have graduated on from the classroom Valentine's but that doesn't mean that I don't want to share with you a free printable that I created. I know more and more families are looking for candy-free alternatives that kids will enjoy. I think I have the perfect solution with this sweet little cutie orange printable. It's also an incredibly inexpensive gift to give a crowd as well. You can pick up a box of cutie oranges at your grocery store for less than five bucks! Print off the gift tags, cut them out and you've got yourself a pretty sweet little treat.
Orange You A Cutie Free Printable Valentine's Day Gift Tag
When I was a kid, there wasn't a question about using a box of store bought Valentine's. I remember if you were lucky, sometimes those Valentine's day boxes came with a hologram sticker. The small card with the cartoon and the cheesy saying was standard. I'm not quite sure when it happened but suddenly every kid started coming home from their Valentine's day celebration with cards and a bag full of candy. Parents inspired by projects on Pinterest started upping the bar and now it was common that a mom would spend hours crafting the perfect homemade Valentine for her little darling.
I have heard that some classrooms are putting a ban on candy and treats during Valentine's day and parents are doing their best to comply. I'm a mama that likes to help other mama's out, so here's a little printable I'm offering you so that you can whip up something special that your kids will love giving and the sweet cutie treat will be one that the recipients will enjoy getting as well.
There are six tags on every page. You can print them out on regular paper or cardstock {always the preferred method}. Cut them out and us a hole punch to create a hole in the tag. If your child wants to put their name on it, they can write their name on the front or the back depending on how much space they need. Place your orange in a clear bag {I get mine at the Dollar Store} and tie it with a small ribbon. That's it! Super easy to give and a sweet treat to receive.
I want to hear what your favorite Valentine's day treat is. Me? I love those red hot hearts. Or maybe the white conversations hearts. And chocolate. You can never go wrong with chocolate.

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